Targeted Sales Leads for Allstate Agents

More About Data Axle Genie

Since 2005, Data Axle Genie and Allstate have teamed together to give you everything you need to target and market to the best sales leads available. It’s a partnership designed specifically for one purpose: to help you grow your book of business.

Our dedicated marketing experts know the insurance industry inside and out. They will work closely with you, helping you choose from hundreds of search selects to target exactly the right prospects for your business. You’ll also get powerful lead management, sales, and marketing services that will you save time and money—so you can focus your energy on closing the sale.

Plus, Data Axle Genie is part of the Allstate Select Vendor Program!

Find the right prospects

Save time and money

Save time


Take the stress out of lead management


Create successful marketing campaigns

What You Can Expect

Here are just a few of the tools and services you’ll get with Data Axle Genie:

Allstate-approved saved searches such as Allstate Business Property & Auto, to help you get great results in less time

X dates of confirmed homeowners let you contact prospects before their policy expires

Nearby neighbors search to help you start a referral campaign

Motorcycle and boat owner information allow for targeted marketing

Age and marital status selects help you personalize your sales pitch accordingly

Quoteburst integration that provides a centralized first quote and requote tool (Set it and Forget it)

New lead alerts keep you ahead of your competition

New Business database tells you when a business opens in your area

Mobile app makes it easy to prospect, no matter where you are

Google mapping gives you a visual view of potential prospects

Customer cloning helps you find similar prospects for optimal results

Auto data to help sell more bundled policies; available data includes the number of vehicles with the year, make, model, and VIN of each

ExecuReach so you can contact executives and professionals at their home addresses

Resource Center

Take advantage of these helpful resources, filled with tips and tricks for getting the most out of your Data Axle Genie experience.

How-to Guides

Allstate Business Insurance (ABI) Saved Searches Explore three official ABI product approved pre-set queries designed to help you become more efficient with your B2B prospecting.

Automobile Data Search Find vehicle owners or search households by number of vehicles.

Boat Owners Search Guide Learn how to target boat owners in any city.

Business Database Campaign Find out how to target specific businesses and contact titles.

Exporting and Scrubbing Guide Learn how to export searches and upload to the DNS tool.

Home Insurance X Date Search Search people by policy insurance date.

Life Insurance Reach individuals by marital status, children, and age.

Motorcycle and RV Enthusiasts Guide Find motorcycle and RV enthusiasts in three easy steps.approved search.

Nearby Neighbors Locate people who live near your selected targeted prospect.

Renters Search Guide Find renters living in multifamily units in your area

Data Axle Genie US Consumer – Veterans Identify homes with veterans present.

Data Axle Genie US New Movers – Out of State Mover Guide Target prospects moving into your area from out of state.


Join one of our upcoming webinars to learn more about Data Axle Genie. (all times below are CST)

1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month at 2pm CST
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting

Or call in (audio only)
+1 308-708-7374 United States, Kearney
(844) 304-7300 United States (Toll-free)
Phone Conference ID: 847 316 136#

Video Tutorials

Data Axle Genie Consumer & Business Webinar

Case Studies

Modern Prospecting eBook
Learn how to target prospects faster, smarter, and on your terms.

Data Axle Genie Testimonials From Allstate Agents
  • “I have worked in insurance marketing for many years and I can confidently say that Data Axle Genie is one of the most powerful marketing tools that I have ever used. I have been able to design highly targeted campaigns that are providing response rates and returns on investment that are far above average. The best part of my experience is that all of these benefits have been given to me at what I feel is an extremely reasonable price. I want to extend a big thank you to the Data Axle Genie for helping me revolutionize the way that I view marketing in the insurance world.”

    Justin Ross
    LJ Ross Insurance Services Inc.

  • “Yesterday my LSP sold three autos to one customer off of a Data Axle Genie list on one of her first calls. It MAKES A DIFFERENCE! I just wanted to say thank you and let the management at Data Axle Genie know how you have helped my agency and helped us agents on a daily basis. Thank you for all of your help!”

    Joey Williams
    The Williams Agency

  • “I have used Data Axle Genie since the day I opened my agency and have had tremendous success in writing new business from the lists I compile that fit the guidelines established by my carrier. Thank you, John, for reaching out to me and sharing the benefit of using Data Axle Genie; it has made a difference in my success.”

    Carrie Lee Covington
    Covington Insurance Agency

  • “Just finished a record month with Allstate commercial. A lot of the credit goes to the commercial data that we received from Data Axle Genie. We were able to use the default small business search and get 5,000 small businesses that are in our target market. We used telemarketers to get a verified lead and then we called them with a quote. This is very encouraging. Thanks so much for making this the best January the ‘Dale Agency’ has ever had!”

    Luke Dale
    The Dale Agency

  • “The Data Axle Genie leads have been easy to obtain and have significantly increased my close ratios. It is very simple to navigate the website and learn the system; within minutes I was able to build a custom list of very high potential prospects. I have investigated and tried several other sources for prospects and found that Data Axle Genie was superior in targeting specific prospects and geographical focus areas. The leads obtained from Data Axle Genie have helped me tremendously in getting my new agency off to a fast start. I look forward to continuing my use of Data Axle Genie and developing new creative marketing strategies.”

    Carl Stanek
    The Stanek Insurance Group</span