5 Quick Ways to Motivate Your Sales Team

A strong, healthy sales team is vital to sales success. Whether your team is currently in good shape or they find themselves struggling to cross the finish line, keep them motivated! The experts at Salesgenie recently pulled together a list of five tips that will help you help your team continue to push forward as the end of the year approaches.

  1. Set Team (and Individual) Sales Goals: Defining a clear-cut goal is the key to success. Be sure to set goals for your team as well as for individual sales reps.
  2. Recognize Your Team: Are you great at letting your team know when they don’t hit their goals? Do you also provide recognition when goals are met? Small prizes or call-outs at team meetings could turn into a huge morale boost and encourage reps to achieve more sales.
  3. Create a Plan: As a sales manager you know that to be successful in sales, you can’t just set goals for your team. You have to create a route that will help you reach those goals. Help your reps map out a plan that will assist them in reaching the various goals you’ve set together.
  4. Review your metrics: When you workout, it’s nice to step on the scale or take your measurements to see how far you’ve come. In sales, being aware of the real-time information that is made available to you can help you boost sales or just get everyone back on course.
  5. Create a positive culture: It’s no secret that sales don’t come easy. Promote an environment where people aren’t afraid to fail. When your reps feel confident that they can make a mistake without being shamed, they’re more likely to try new approaches with their sales calls and reach their goals.

There are a lot of ways to keep your sales team fit and healthy all year round. Doing so takes quite a bit of commitment and even a touch of motivation–but it’s worth it when they smash through their goals.

Remember, the experts at Salesgenie are happy to discuss and strategize for the sales goals you’d like to meet before the end of the year.